
Mind Mapping Techniques

The Mind Mapping Method takes its name from the activity itself: participants are expected to write down components that belong to an idea or a theme, structure them in a map, and use it as a starting point to think creatively and come up with new and combined ideas.

Five Ws and H

This is a simple but powerful tool for cutting quickly through the outward symptoms of a problem to reveal its underlying causes (WHY), so that you can deal with it once and for all. How to dela with the issue is represented by the H (HOW).

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning can be defined as “learning by doing” as it blends learning with experience, and therefore covers a very broad knowledge development process.

Taking a Picture

The “Taking a Picture” method is about each student going outside to take one picture of their own choosing and show it to the rest of the group.

Motivational video

The Motivational video method is an icebreaker that uses publicly available videos to motivate the students to complete more complex tasks throughout the day.