On-line Classroom activity


Storytelling is all about engaging an audience by applying narrative techniques, it involves bidirectional communication between a storyteller and the listeners aiming to reach them emotionally.


Storyboarding is a technique that visually depicts a user’s interaction with your product.

KANO Analysis

The Kano Analysis model (pronounced “Kah-no”) is an analysis tool used to explore and measure the customer’s emotional responses to the product’s features. The tool allows for prioritising features and creating product roadmaps based on the likelihood of customer satisfaction.

Day in the life

A “Day in the life” is used to elicit the interaction points of a user and the solution in the context of their daily life. The method helps gain insight into the needs, behaviour and goals of the user.


A Persona represents a fictional character that represents a type of customer or user. The fictional character or persona is created from the synthesis of research data on actual users/customers, generalising on a specific type of user/customer. This method is based on research and is intended to assist in understanding the consumers’ needs, behaviours, experiences, and goals.